Photo artistique


   I think one of the best ways to show your photo work or wherever you do, is making a photo collage. You can let see one or more aspect of your life, and it can contain a lot about your lifestyle. For example: If you are a traveler who sta

On The Street

Someone said: «We cannot stop seeing» even when the streets are wet, we continue seeing, feeling, smelling. Briefly, appreciating all around us. We are looking forward searching colours and shapes always something special which can give us a different new day.

Portraits des femmes sur la rue.

I took the portraits from the Old Port of Montreal. I took my time looking for the portrait that I had in mind. Simple but smiling, with a natural expression, easy to see with a lighter spirit…


At the beginning, the photo-portrait is fix in the studio with indirect light to avoid the strong shadows.

I must hold the portrayed person up the pose for some seconds. But I took these portraits from Montreal on the street.


The concept is the same as applying. The subject is fixed, but the light is natural and changed to monochrome with no other alter of it, keeping a fresh atmosphere around the subject.

Thanks to these three kindness girls for allow me to take their pictures.